
Monday, April 23, 2012

Church Mani: A Shimmery Champange and Black Frenchie

Good morning lovelies!  It's the beginning of a new week and so my count down to Friday shall begin *le sigh*...

I wanted to share with you the mani that I wore to church yesterday.  I've decided that this is something I'll be doing every Sunday when I get home from church / after-church activities.  I also said I would offer you and explanation, so here it is....

I recently started singing at a BIG church (that shall remain nameless) and because of it's following there are certain rules for attire that must be followed if you are going to sing with the choir.  No jewelry (except for wedding bands, obvi), I can't wear pants that will show below my choir robes, the hair style / make-up I come in with is the one I have to keep for both services... You get the idea haha.  Now while no one has specifically told me that I can't wear colorful polishes, I don't want to run the risk of being reprimanded.  So I've made the executive decision to "keep it simple, stupid!" on Sundays.  I'm a stickler for rules in general and this will be like a personal challenge for me, simple but fun mani's on Sunday's... yaaaaayyyyy!  Lol.

So without further blabber, here it is...

Started with Sally Hansen's Hard as Nails as the base coat.
Colors Used: NYC - Mulberry Street and Confetti - Black Tie
Finished with 2 coats Seche Vite

Alright, a couple of things that I don't like right off the bat... The NYC - Mulberry Street is awful, awful, AWFUL!  It is a really streaky, tacky, way-too-fast drying polish.  After 3 coats I gave up on it being even and clung to the hope that Seche Vite would even things out (which it did *phew*!).  Secondly, I don't think the picture does justice to the color :(  It's a really pretty champange-shimmer color that just isn't coming across well, which is just bums!

The things I do like... I like that I'm getting better with french tips and I like the polka dots (I'm a little obsessed with them if you haven't noticed by now hahaha).

That's all I have for this post.  Pretty short.  Maybe even a little boring. Cest la vie!

  I'm expecting some exciting things to be arriving in the mail and waiting for me when I get home this evening and I'll be sure to post it soon (along with pics of the goodies I got from my first trip to ULTA... ackkkk!!!)  With that being said...

Until next time!

Stef <3 


  1. Good tips about NYC they kinda make crap product in general. But i think the color looks really nice and this is so cute :)

  2. Thanks, I really appreciate it :) Yea, I had never purchased an NYC polish before and thought, "Well, it's a pretty color and it's only $0.99!". Lol now I know better.
