
Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Hello again ladies!

I'm very new to the world of blogging and I JUST realized that I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, by Miss Jonochi at Just Add Polish, on Monday(she does beautiful work by the by)!  Ackk I'm so dumb!  Hahaha.  So, here it is... :D

Thank you!!

The rules are:
  • Thank the person who nominated me and give them a shout out
  • State 7 Random facts about your self
  • Pass on the award to 10-15 bloggers
  • post the award pic to your blog
Onto the random facts!

1. I am HORRIBLE with fish!  I think they are so adorable but I can't manage to keep them alive for longer than a year :(  I've come to terms with it and I shall never buy a pet fish again...

2. My favorite color, since elementary school, has been red.  But yellow, lime green, and grey tie for second place!

3. If I could drink one thing for the rest of my life it would be a large coffee with hazelnut from Coffee Bean.  Yum!

4. I'm really looking forward to Mother's day because my Mama is the strongest and most capable woman I know.  I hope I grow up to be just like her <3  (I'm almost there!)

5. I love my man!  I try not to gush about him too much because it can be sickening to others lol.  But I have to say that God truly blessed the heck out of me when he sent my honey in my direction.  I can't wait until we become husband and wife, 10 months seems so far away!  (And I'm sure we will make the cutest black-irish babies eva!!) 

6. I have been craving sushi and bbq for the past few days and I've decided that someone needs to open up a fusion restaurant with amazing ribs and sashimi so I can chow down!

7. I'm excited for this summer!  Summer Camp is looking really good right now and I hope that the ideas and inspirations are executed well... the kids deserve a fun filled break from school :)

Passing It On:

I really like the work that these ladies do, check 'em out :)

Bee Polished 
Copy That, Copy Cat 
Deez Nailz 
Emily's Nail Files 
Fancy Phalanges 
Gold Specks 
Gypsy's Glitter 
Kokoro Nails 
Let Them Have Polish! 
MaD Manis 
My World 
Northern Nails 

Thank you again Jonochi!!

Stef <3

1 comment:

  1. You're so welcome! I meant to come by and tell you, so it's not your fault at all!

    I just got sleepy after I posted then forgot...=/
    But you deserve it! =D
