
Saturday, May 26, 2012

For Audrey with some RAWR! ;)

Hello, hello!  How are we all faring this loverly day?  I'm feeling pretty ok and I'm really excited for today's mani :D  Here we go!

For Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, mani
Colors Used: China Glaze - For Audrey, JLB Cosmetics - 06, Rimmel - Black Satin

I new that I wanted to use For Audrey with a pink-ish accent nail (I'm really trying to accept pink into my life but it's soooooo hard!! lol).  The mauve-y color is one I found in a boxed set at Ross and I will probably show that in a haul tomorrow after church (I'm just slacking with the picture taking :\)

I added the zebra stripes as an after thought and I love the way it turned out!  I may actually keep this on for more than one day lol...
For Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, maniFor Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, mani

For Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, mani
 (indoor lighting)
For Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, maniFor Audrey, Tiffany, blue, zebra print, tiger print, accent nail, nail art, mani
 (outdoor lighting)

 For Audrey is a color that China Glaze created to match Tiffany's signature brand color (so I've heard).  I was skeptical (even after I had it on my nails) so I pulled out and old Tiffany's box that I've had for years.  I don't even remember what came in this box originally, it now holds some Ivory (*sniff* poor heffalump) dominoes that I inherited from my grandfather...

I was wrong, it's pretty much perfect, spot-on, wonderfulness!

So there it is and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do :D

Until next time!

Stef <3

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