
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Glitter Sammy... Take Two!

Good morning lovies :)  I can't believe it's already May; this year is just whizzing by *zoom*!

The mani today is my second attempt at doing a glitter sammy.  The last one was pretty but a little too delicate for my taste.  So I decided to go for something bolder ;)

Glitter Sammy, red, nail art, mani

Glitter Sammy, red, nail art, maniGlitter Sammy, red, nail art, mani
 Colors Used: City Color - Red, and Spoiled - Jewel Heist

 I did 3 layers of each color and topped it off with SV.  This is a very interesting red in that it seems really sheer when first applied but by the time I got to the third brushing, it seemed completely opaque.  I had to top it with more glitter or it would have been a terribly boring mani!   I like this attempt is better than my first one but it doesn't make me go "ooOOOooooo!".  What do you guys think?  Any feedback?

I also wanted to show you all the mani that I did on one of my sisters (FSIL)...

 I cannot remember the colors used at the moment, I'm sorry! And I apologize for the blur :\

She wanted a ladybug theme but it had to be something she could wear to work and this was the end result.  I've seen a lot of these mani's because of the "April Shower's Bring May Flowers" challenge and I wasn't planning on posting another / beat a dead horse, but what the lady wants she gets :P  She was pleased which, of course, is what I always strive for.  

My FMIL just got back from Stagecoach last night and is ready for a new mani, so I'll be posting her nails soon as well.

One last thing before I go!  I went with my honey to get his hair cut on Friday and while his stylist was cutting away I walked over to Rite-Aid to peruse their polish collection.  They had polishes that I'd never heard of before (the Color City I used on today's mani and Jessee's Girl) and most of their selection was on sale.  This is what I hauled home...
Sally Hansen - Mint Sorbet, Jesse's Girl - Spring Break and Wham Bam, City Color - Red, Sinful Colors Midnight Blue and Rimmel - Black Satin

I've swatched them on my color wheel and they're all lovely colors!  I can't wait to use them in future mani's!

A final word... Rhinoceros :P

Until next time!

Stef <3 

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