
Monday, May 7, 2012

Orange and Purple? Not So Much!

Good 'morrow dears!  How did we fair this weekend, hmmm?

I am pooped.  Exhausted!  I need a weekend from my weekend.  It was crazy, hectic, stressful and incredibly fun!  I went to the Renaissance Faire this for a friends birthday and that was an eye opener to say the least.  I didn't dress-up in costume or take on the personality of a character.  I was a normy in normy clothes, saying normy things... it was fun :D  Enough rambling about my weekend, let's talk nails!

For today's mani I decided to play with two polishes that I hauled in over the weekend (the entire hauls I will be putting up tomorrow... maybe!).  I used Essie - Bazooka (neon orange) and Urban Outfitters - Bandeau (royal purple)...

Neon, orange, purple, essie, stripes, polka dots, nail art, maniNeon, orange, purple, essie, stripes, polka dots, nail art, mani

Neon, orange, purple, essie, stripes, polka dots, nail art, mani

Holding up the 2 bottles next to each other I thought, "Oh, these will look awesome together!".  But by the time I got to my ring finger, I did not like the color combo at all!  I took this design off about 5 mins after I took these pics.  Looking at them now, they don't seem terribly awful but the color combo is just so odd!  

I don't know what I was thinking but I thought I should share it anyway hahaha :)  I have some blogs for the week already formulated in my head so there should be something new to look at everyday.  My honey and I are car shopping (desperately at this point), so if I do miss a day , that is most likely the reason why... such is life!

So what do you guys think of this mani/color combo?  I think it may be a tad too wacky lol.

Until next time!

Stef <3

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