
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Think Pink... An Adventure in Neon!

Good morning lovelies!  I apologize for my posts being up a little later than usual.  I always try to have them up by 8:30, but the long weekend threw off my sleep schedule.  And if I don't sleep I am a bear to deal with lol.  Anywhosie, let's get started!

Yesterday I posted my haul from the last 2 weeks and in it I showed a neon pink by China Glaze called Pool Party.  Well, today I've decided to be bold...

Colors Used: China Glaze - Pool Party, Ulta - Pinata-Yada-Yada

I applied 3 coats of Pool Party, brushed the Pinata on the tips and then topped it off with Out The Door.  Very simple but fun :)  A couple of things tho... Neons are usually thicker and more challenging to work with, but this applied like a dream. I applied 3 coats to ensure that it was completely covered.  

The only thing that bugged me was how it dried.  I mentioned in a previous swatching post that I've noticed that neons dry darker than they look in the bottle.  This polish is no exception and it's kind of turning me off to neons :(  The above picture is one of the better shots I got.  None of the photos have flash.  In the following pics, the polish looks orangey...

*sigh* It is what it is!  One last pic, I think it's the closest representation of the color...

Neon pink, hot pink, China Glaze, Pool Party, glitter tips, nail art, mani

Well, there you have it!  What are your feelings on neons?  Have you had a similar experience with them?  I hope you all have a lovely day :) 

Until next time!

Stef <3

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