
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chevron/Fishtail Mani, First Attempt!

Hello hello hello!  Happy Tuesday everybody :)

In my last post I talked about this mani that I saw from Sarah at Chalkboard Nails.  I had tried this swooping-v technique on a few previous mani's and when I saw that she layered it with different colors I was even more thrilled!  (Again I will say that Sarah's blog is well worth checking out if you haven't already).

So I took this idea of layering the swooped-v's and combined it with some colors that I saw on this maxi dress at Target (side note: I tried the dress on and the bodice doesn't fit my bosoms, otherwise it would have come home with me instantly!)...

Julep Robin, purple, peach, coral, chevron, fishtail, nail art, nail design, mani

 Colors Used: E.L.F. - Coral Dream, Julep - Robin, Love & Beauty - Purple

I love love love this combination of colors and I want to wear this mani all the time!  I did 2 coats of the Coral Dream (which I really think should be named Peach Dream because it barely passes as a coral) and then 1 coat of Robin and Purple.  I topped it off with Julep's Fast Dry Topcoat and I was good to go.  I did this mani on Saturday, so I sadly had to remove it for church on Sunday (hence why Sunday's nails were a chevron/fishtail frenchie... it all come full circle lol).  I was a little bummed but I definitely plan on doing this again in the near future.  If you're interested in achieving this look it really is fairly easy.  Sarah has a video tutorial that shows you step by step how to do it and she adds some great tips as well :)

One last pic...

So what do you think?  Will you try this out?

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. Wow! Gorgeous colours! I am so jealous you can do that since I seem to have trouble doing a simple coat of one colour. :)

    1. Thank you! It is my honest belief that anyone can do this look, it just takes practice practice practice :) I have an unfair advantage because I paint my nails practically every day lol.

  2. Hiya, I'm a new follower ;) I'm totaly in love with the color combo you choose, I have to try this fishtail mani !!!!

    1. So happy to have you following! Your mani's are really great and I love your creativity, I'm following you as well :)

  3. Great job, I love the color combo you chose! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I was given really great inspiration ;)
