
Saturday, June 30, 2012

My July Maven Box

Hey there, everybody!  I'm so very happy it's Saturday, I could cry lol.  It has been a very long and exhausting week so it was a nice surprise to come home from work yesterday and see my Julep box waiting for me on the porch :)  For those of you who are just recently following, I became a Julep Maven back in April and I've bought every box that they've put out since.  I have a problem.  I know.  Lol.  Here's what I found it the box....

As you can see from the grass and hose in the background. I couldn't wait to get inside and open it!  In my box I found the Boho Glam collection for this month, 2 Atomic Fire Balls and a lip gloss.  Julep did something new this month and sent out a matching gloss to go along with each polish set this month.  Brilliant!  I got so excited about this concept that I added on another gloss (a rich wine color) that will hopefully be coming along soon :)
From top to bottom: Georgia, Mischa, America and Poppy

Another fun treat that Julep threw in this month was America, a compacted glitter (red and blue with silver stars).  Very cool of them and it's arrived just in time for the 4th of July (Independence Day here in the States)!

You can't really see the stars very well on the swatch but they're there in the upper left on the nail hahaha.

Naturally I had to play with my new pretties!  So I took Georgia and Mischa out for a spin...

I used Georgia as the base (2 coats) and then, with Mischa, I tried out this "Frame Nail" technique that I've been seeing a lot of ladies doing recently.  I just recently became sold on this look, so I completely understand if it's not your cup of tea lol.

Julep, Georgia, Mischa, frame nails, nail art, nail design, mani

One last thing...  Georgia has this really prettty gold shimmer to it that I just love!  I'm hoping that it picked up a little bit in the pictures...

That's all that I have for you today, I hope you are satiated for now haha :)  I have church tomorrow which means there will be a church mani post to follow (here's hoping my idea is executed well!).

Until next time!

Stef <3

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