
Friday, June 1, 2012

Think Pink.. and Plaid!

It's Friday!  Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!!  :D  Lol good morning all!

For today's mani I decided to attempt an actual plaid look.  A couple of weeks ago I did a plaid-ish mani, but really i was just layering stripes.  This attempt was different...

Colors Used: Elf - Flirty Fuchsia, Elf - Coral Dream, Sinful Colors - Snow Me White 

My striping abilities having been lacking as of late, so I was really excited when this turned out as well as it did hahaha.  

But of course it couldn't just stay perfect.  I don't know how I did it, but in the middle of the night I messed up my thumb :(

This made me very sad and a little irritable.  Alas... earwax!  A couple more pics...

Pink, peach, coral, white, plaid, nail art, design, mani

So there you have it!  What do you think?  I was contemplating doing a tutorial on this but I don't know if anyone would really be interested.  Let me know! :)

Until next time!

Stef <3

I almost forgot!  I broke my middle finger nail yesterday while making my bed D:  It hurt quite a bit but I fixed it with a silk wrap

As you can see, it was a pretty bad break :\

Right down the middle, just how I like it! *sarcasm oozes everywhere*

And then silk wraps came and saved the day!  Yaaaayyyy!  Hahaha...



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! My striping has been a little wonky recently so I was a little shocked by the outcome lol...
