
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

If I Were An Alien...

Good morning lovies!

This is going to be a quick post (I over slept and gotta run!).  For today's mani, I want to share some nail art I did a couple of weeks ago.  We had a Cowboys & Aliens theme day at work (NOT based on the film lol).  The kiddos and staff were encouraged to dress up, so I chose to be an alien.  But I was completely stumped as far as painting my nails went.  So I pulled out some green polish and thought "outerspace"...

Revlon - Posh, green, frenchie, alien inspired, nail art, nail design, mani
Colors Used: Revlon - Posh, Sinful Colors Nail Art - Bad Chick, Love & Beauty - Purple

It started as a frecnchie... then dots... then random striping lol.  But I really liked it a lot :D

What do you think?

Alrighty, I have to go now *sigh*.  The next mani I have to share is also a frenchie that I'm also pretty proud of ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3

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