
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

It Started With An iPod...

Hello, hello, hello!!

I know I've been gone for-ever-and-a-day and I am so very sorry!  Work, rehearsals, singing, wedding planning... I haven't had much of a life for the past 2 weeks, it stinks :\

My poor nails have been neglected and I have been completely uninspired *sniff*.  I was looking through photos on my phone and found a pic of an ipod case I had seen a couple of weeks previously.  It was a very color/fun pattern but simple at the same time, so I thought I'd give it a shot.  Here's a pic of the case...

And here are the pics :)

 Colors: Wet n Wild - Chick Magnet Zack, Wet n Wild - I Need A Refresh-Mint, Sinful Colors - Dream On, O.P.I. - The "It" Color

So there you have it!  It may be a little lack-luster after my brief absence.  I just need to get back into the swing of things.

The next few of weeks are going to be a little hairy.  We are moving in to our first apartment together and we are finally tying the knot :D  My stress level is through the roof with all of the planning *sigh*.  But I should be back to my normail blogging schedule just in time for Fall/Halloween mani's... Yay!

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks girly! We're just ready to be married you know? We'd have gone to Vegas a long time ago, if we thought our mothers would forgive us lol.

  2. Cute nails, so funny and happy colors!
