
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm Ready For Fall!

Good morning, darlings :)

I don't know about the rest of you but I am soooooo ready for the season to change!  I love Autumn.  The cool temperatures, changing leaves, peacoats... I love it all.  It's just now starting to cool off in Southern California but the mani that I have to share with you today is one I did when it was 107 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside.  I was miserable... and very angry lol.  So I made a plea to the Fall god's and came up with this...

 Colors Used (L to R): Julep Gwyneth (base), Revlon - Tuscan Sun, Love & Beauty - Nude, O.P.I. - The "It" Color, E.L.F. - Party Peach, Sinful Colors - Nirvana, Julep - Felicity.

 I started with 2 coats of Gwyneth, a super sheer pink polish.  Then, with my striping brush, I added streaks of Autumn colors...
When it was all said and done, it came out looking more like Thanksgiving than just Fall... but I'll take it!  Hahaha ;)

Fall, autumn, stripes, yellow, gold, orange, red, Thanksgiving, nail art, nail design, mani
The weather is finally starting to cool and I can feel Fall coming around the corner. I'm a happy Girl!

With the holidays coming up, I've been brainstorming some nail ideas and I can't wait to see what my fellow bloggers come up with :D  I haven't forgotten about my promised giveaway (2 more posts to go!).  I will have more details for you soon-ish.  This might be my last post until after the wedding (October 6th) :'(  With that being said...

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. good luck with the home stretch! my fiancee and i are in the planning phase right now and i can't wait until we are as close as you are! it's been stressful lol :) enjoy the time and congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much! We're counting down the days and are so excited to be married :) I wish you the best of luck on your wedding planning adventure! The best advice I have is to remember that at the end of it all, the two of you will be married. It's worth all of the frustration and tears haha :)
