
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Vampy Plaid?

Good mornin'!  How is everyone fairing this week??  I for one am ready for it to be Friday ;)

My post today is going to be short and sweet because... well, I'm just not that crazy about this nail art.  I had an idea in my head and I just don't think I executed it well.  It took about an hour for this inspiration to even come to me in the first place!  I'm a little rusty I guess :\

The idea I had in my head was a vampy plaid.  Like if Elvira were to suddenly decided she wanted plaid nails or something.  They came out a hot mess...

 Colors Used: Sinful Colors Nail Art - My Day (red) Time Off (black), Sally Hansen - Pumping Iron

 What I cannot stand is that the black pops off of the nail and looks like a weather vein/telephone pole!  It's seriously driving me crazy!!  

I feel compelled to fix it... right now... brb...

Yeeeaaaahhh... not any better.  Gaaaaaaahhhh!!!

C'est la vie hahaha.  Just a reminder that there's only a few more hours to get your entries in, so get to it ladies :D

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. I don't think it's so bad. If that is any consolation. I didn't get Elvira but it did make me think of a nice fall/winter plaid.

    1. Aww thanks Crystal! That does make me feel a little better ;)

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