
Friday, October 19, 2012

Hey, Jasmine... Be Jealous ;)

Good morning lovelies!

It's Friday and payday (well at least for me it is) and I love that combination :D  I'm looking forawrd to a weekend of being domestic, i.e cleaning the apartment, grocery shopping, buying little odds and ends to decorate for fall... I'm excited!

Anywhosie... for today's post I want to share a mani that I did weeks ago.  I completely forgot about it, which is a shame because I'm kind of in love with it.  I was inspired by Princess Jasmine.  We'd been watching Aladdin a lot at work recently so it was a natural progression.  Just a forewarning, this post is a little pic heavy...

 Colors Used: Julep - Gwyneth, Felicity and Robin

 I started with 2 coats of Gwyneth, a "sheerest pink clear" polish according to Julep.

 I then swiped on 2 coats of Felicity, by far my favorite gold polish in my collection.  If I wasn't already married, I'd marry it!  <3

 Then I added Robin on top (also 2 coats).  Again, it's such a beautiful color.  I just love it...

I believe I topped it with Out The Door quick dry top coat, but I'm not positive :\
Julep, Robin, Felicity, Gwyneth, Princess Jasmine, frenchie, french tip, nail art, nail design, mani

Simple but oh so pretty :)  If you haven't tried Julep's polishes/Maven program, I highly recommend it.  They are an awesome company and the product is fabulous.  It's the best 20 bucks I spend every month!  :D

Before I forget, I added a new page to my blog.  It's just an inventory of my polish collection.  I put it together so that I stop buying duplicates of polishes that I already own and so that I can keep a count.  I don't expect you all to be terribly interested lol.  Just a heads up in case you were curious :)

Well that's all for now...

Until next time!

Stef <3

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