
Thursday, November 29, 2012

12 Mani's of Chirstmas: #1... Presents!

Hello there lovelies!  So when I said I'd make my next post tomorrow, I guess I really meant Thursday... oops :P

I have decided to take up a challenge!  It is a self-made/self-inflicted challenge that I hope I'll be able to keep up with :\  I can do it... I can!!  Haha

Here is the list of mani's that I shall attempt to create...
  1. Presents
  2. Snowflakes
  3. Snowmen
  4. Rudolph
  5. Santa
  6. Ornaments
  7. Candy Cane
  8. Christmas Lights
  9. Holly
  10. Charlie Brown Chirstmas Tree
  11. Little Drumme Boy
  12. Star of Bethlehem
I do not plan on doing these in any sort of order.  Whenever-the-mood-strikes-me kind of a thing :)  Today it's Presents!

 Colors Used: Sinful Colors Nail Art - Simple But Fun (green) and My Day (red), Sally Hansen - White On, Julep - Felicity

Sinful Colors Nail Art Simple But Fun, My Day, Sally Hansen White On, Julep Felicity, Christmas, presents, tree, nail art, nail design, mani

Lots of patience and manipulation of striping brushes went into this mani.  I probably spent about an hour total on this... more time than I usually spend doing my nails.  But it was well worth the effort :)

My only irritation with this mani is that the red seeped thru on my plaid  striping.  I guess it couldn't be a completely perfect mani... they never really are :P

Yay presents!

This whole celebrating Christmas thing is new to me.  I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and then became a Christian while in highschool.  Even then, I was still with my family and Christmas wasn't something we did.  I've never really understood the giving of presents or the stuffing of stockings because in my household we celebrated Jesus year round haha.  While dating my husband, his family brought me into their Christmas traditions.  I love the family gathering and while presents are nice, giving them is much more fun than opening them :D

I'm excited to have my first tree this year with my hubby and I'm hoping that I will be filled of Christmas spirit soon ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3

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