
Saturday, January 5, 2013

If At First You Don't Succeed...

Good morning, all!

Today's mani, in my personal opinion, was a total bust!  But I decided long ago that I would share the good and the bad of my nail art *sigh*...

Julep, Trina, Harper, glitter gradient, nail art, nail design, mani
 Colors Used: Julep - Trina and Harper

Ok, so I was going for a glitter gradient from the base...

 It just turned out looking like a hot mess!  So, then I said to myself, "Self... put a matte top coat on it!  What's the worst that could happen?"

More pics after the jump....

It could turn a completely different color!!!  Gaaaarrrr!!!

Instead of being the lovely, shimmery, deep purple that Trina is it looked practically black!  Needless to say this mani came off immediately after I was finished taking pictures...

Julep, Trina, Harper, glitter gradient, nail art, nail design, mani

There you have it... another nail fail by yours truly!  Lol...

Until next time!

Stef <3

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