
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kinda Like Streamers?

Hello hello my wonderful readers!

Today's mani continues in the "blue" trend for the week :)

 Colors Used: Ulta - Inkblot Blue, Essie - Borrowed & Blue, Color Club - Hydrangea Kiss, Sinful Colors - Midnight Blue

2 coats of Inkblot as the base and then I used a striping brush to apply the streamers :)

A pic of my mani with my Cookie Monster onsie pj's that my daddy got me for Christmas lol.


I mentioned in yesterday's post that it is Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  I want to do my part by spreading the word, if only through my blip on the interwebs.  So... what is human trafficking? 

"Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings mainly for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor. Other purposes can be extraction of organs, or tissues or even surrogacy or ova removal." - Wikipedia.

 I first learned about trafficking during my senior year of high school.  A dear friend of mine who was studying to be a Social Worker shared stories with me and gave me some literature to read.  It changed my life.  I probably matured about 10 years in 3 weeks.  Just reading stories of young men and women who have to live that life... it's horrible.  You can read more about it here...

Until next time!

Stef <3

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