
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why Me??

Hello friends,

I'm writing this post in a medicated haze so forgive me if it comes out a bit jumbley-wumbley.  I have the flu.  3 days back to work and *wham!* the flu hits me.  It's pretty awful and I'll save you the ugly details, but it is the inspiration for today's nail art...

 Colors Used: Love & Beauty - Light Green, Rimmel - Black Satin

I had another mani ahead of this one to share with you but I got sick and was too achy to sit at my computer and post.  I will share that mani next week...

Lime green, question mark, nail art, nail design, mani

I chose to do lime green because... well, it is reminiscent of boogers lol.  The question mark is the "why me" portion.  I always seem to be the one that catches everything at my job and I can't stand it.  I plan on having a lecture with the kids next week on the importance of washing their hands, if only so Ms. Stefanie stops getting their germies.

On a side note... I broke the left corner off of the nail on my index finger Tuesday morning, while trying to put on my shoes.  With the help of silk wraps, nail glue and a piece of paper towel, I argue that it is the best looking nail on my whole hand now.  It's magical lol.

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. haha fun! This totally caught my eye! and I love nail wraps! I don't know what I would do without them!

    1. Thank you for the comment, Raine! Nail wraps are like a God-send haha :)
