
Friday, February 8, 2013

A Valentine Fish Tail

Good morning all!

I don't know how the weather is in your neck of the woods, but we've got a thunderstorm on our hands here.  I loves it :D  This does not pertain to todays mani at all lol.  Let's get to it!

 Colors Used: JLB - 06, Sally Hansen - Pumping Iron, Julep - Delaunay

I did 2 coats of each polish, layering one on top of the other.  I was going to use a white polish in the the middle of the sandwich, but a sudden thought came to me that silver might be fun :)

Julep, Delaunay, Sally Hansen, Pumping Iron, Valentine's Day inspire, fishtail, hearts, red, pink, silver, nails, nail art, nail design, mani

As you may know, I am NOT a fan of pink.  I really did love wearing this mani tho!  It kind of looks like the tops of hears on my tips  :D

So there you have it!  I hope you all have a fabulous day.  I'm planning on staying dry and warm indoors today, while enjoying this rain ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3

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