
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm In the Mood for Love!

Good morning lovelies!  Is anyone else wishing it was the weekend already??  I've made plans to go on a field trip to Ulta on Saturday and I can't wait!  I'm going to track down a liquid sand polish if it's the last thing I do!!  But, I digress...

Today's post features the first Valentine inspired mani that I've done. It's gotten a tad bit out of control since then (I've done 4 and still have more I want to do haha), but this is the one that started it all.  The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Valentine's Day?  Red and pink...

Colors Used: Julep - Scarlett, Lauren and O Canada

After finishing my "Birds of a Feather" post, I decided that I really like having 2 different accent nails.  Then I thought, "Well, Valentine's Day is coming up..." 

 You really can't see the opalescent glitter from O Canada very well when it's topping a white polish (in this case, Sally Hansen's White On), but more than anything I just wanted some red glitter speckling the white.

I like this mani, I don't love it tho.  That's what got me started on my Valentine mani frenzy lol.  Stay tuned ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3

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