
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pink Lemonade Glitter Gradient

Hello lovies!

Today's post features 2 neon matte-glitter polishes I bought while vacationing with the hubs last weekend!  I know what you're going to say... "You made your poor husband go polish shopping with you while you were on vacation??".  Yes. Yes, I did.  And I have no shame!!

 Colors Used: Urban Outfitters - Pink and Yellow

I love love love Urban Outfitters polishes!  The formula is consistently great, the colors for the most part follow the current trends and at 2 for $8.00... I mean c'mon!!

 Rachel of Nailed Kit commented on a pic I shared of the bottles (via IG) saying that together they looked like pink lemonade.  I just knew I had to combine them in a fun mani.  But nail art with glitter can be difficult/time consuming... and I was really impatient about wearing these beauties haha.  So I went with a glitter gradient :)  This is 2 over lapping layers of the glitter polishes over a white base.  It was that simple!


I know that Summer is quickly winding to a close, but I will probably be rocking neon polishes for a little while longer.  While Autumn is my favorite season of the year, I need bright colors in my life ;)  Have any of you tried a simillar glitter gradient before?  I am now on the hunt for more matte-glitter polishes :D

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. Oh wow, the effect of the glitter-colour gradient is really cool! And seriously, neon is fantastic, so you can rock it well into autumn ;)

  2. Those are really pretty! They remind me of a line and indie brand did recently. I can't recall which one. I've never tried Urban Outfitters polish, but have heard good things!

  3. Lovely! I've never tried a gradient with glitters like this but you're inspiring me to give it a try. :)

  4. YES. I love this look - it's so summery, light, and fun!

  5. Super stunning and fun! I'm terrible at nail I've never tried a gradient. I'm too impatient for anything besides the basic! I love your color combo and I love UO polish too!

  6. These are the polishes I saw on your Instagram!!
    I LOVE them!!

  7. This looks so cool! I love how bright it is!

  8. This looks fabulous! Those colors are perfectly pink lemonade!

  9. This is awesome! I agree, Urban Outfitters polishes are really good quality and the price is the cherry on top! I have a few and plan on re-purchasing each color!
