
Sunday, August 17, 2014

SAFS: Indie Palooza!

Hello dolls!

Long time, no see ;)  I took a little breather from blogging and in the process I ended up with more random swatchings.  So, here is another fun mix of indies for your Sunday enjoyment...

There is no rhyme or reason to my selections, they're just polishes I felt like wearing :P

 Frankenstine Polish - Falkor the Luck Dragon Frankenstine Polish - Falkor the Luck Dragon
 Frankenstine Polish - Falkor the Luck Dragon

First up is a gorgeous peachy-pink-shimmer polish named after my all time favorite dragon, Falkor!  It applied beautifully in 2 coats.  I applied 3 for good measure :)  This is definitely a soft, easy-to-wear polish.  Very subtle and feminine.  It's available for purchase here.

 I Love Nail Polish - Molly I Love Nail Polish - Molly
 I Love Nail Polish - Molly

Oh Molly!  I am such a sucker for raspberry/cranberry holos!!  This polish applied like a dream, with 2 coats shown.  While I really like this polish, I needed to shine direct light on it to pick up the holo glitter.  It's a subtle, scattered holo that is very lovely, but I think it may end up in my destash sale.  I like my holos to smack me in the face with their rainbowy goodness!

 I Love Nail Polish - Birefringence I Love Nail Polish - Birefringence
 I Love Nail Polish - Birefringence

Now this polish right here.... gagagagagagagagaaaah!!  Named after the Rainbow Bridge of Norse legend, this multi-chrome polish is mesmerizing.  I applied 2 coats without issue and just could not stop staring at my hands.  My husband was even distracted by this beauty hahaha.  ILNP's can be found here.
Starrily - GalaxyStarrily - Galaxy
 Starrily - Galaxy

This polish was just too fun for me to pass up.  A mix of every kind of glitter you can think of, I applied one coat over a black base.  I... love... this... too much!!  It's the easiest galaxy mani I've ever done ;)  Starrily polishes can be purchased here 
 Enchanted Polish - Ciao Milano Enchanted Polish - Ciao Milano
 Enchanted Polish - Ciao Milano

Last but not least, the brand that is nearly impossible to get ones claws on... Enchated Polish.  I have heard so many gushing reviews of this brand and thought, "It cant be THAT amazing!"  Oh but it is.  I nabbed this in a destash sale that I happened to run across on instagram and knew that this was an opportunity I could not pass up.  And I'm so gladd I didn't because this one is a stunner!  This is 2 coats that applied so evenly and perfectly over a black base.  Heavenly!  If you're lucky, EP's can be bought here.

I got some really positive feedback from y'all about mixing brands in my swatching posts, so I'm gonna try to keep those coming  :)  Coming up this week I have a tribute mani, a glow in the dark mani, along with a feature of one of my all time favorite indies.  Stay tuned...

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. Oh, My the I<3NP Birefringenceis just mesmerizing!! so wonderful!

  2. Awesome indie swatches! They all look so good.

  3. Ohhh my goodness these are all GORGEOUS. I don't think I could even choose a favourite! Lovely swatches, as always. :)

  4. Great collection of Indie polishes to share. I must get Falkor, absolutely loved the Neverending Story when I was a kid. I'm slowly introducing my kids to those movies form my childhood at the moment. We just watched Labyrinth last night, next up is the Dark Crystal.

  5. Those I Love Nail Polish colors are so stunning! Love your swatches!

  6. Gosh they're all so pretty! Looking forward to all your upcoming manis ;)

  7. Aweee I <3 NP! I hope I can order some of their polishes soon. I think they have great creations and I really need some in my collection!

  8. These are all so gorgeous! I think my favorite is Starrily Galaxy! I love rainbow glitter-bombs like that!
