
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dotted Frenchie

Hello dolls!

Happy Sunday to you all :)  Sorry I've been MIA the last few days, I've been putting in some serious quality time with the hubs, my family (immediate and in-law's) and close friends (who might as well just be family lol).  Very fun and very exhausting!  So I'm cheating this evening and pulling some nail art I did a couple of weeks ago but never got around to posting :P

 Colors Used: Daisy Nail Lacquer - White Diamond

First off let me that you all for you're lovely comments and feedback in my last post!  It's sometimes difficult for me to get back to blogger to comment on replies, but I read all of the emails and it really does make my day.  Thank you thank you thank you!!  Also I'm very grateful for your tips and suggestions regarding my watermark.  It is a work in progress as I am still getting used to this new-to-me-photo editor, but I did change the color to white (it totally looks much better than the black haha).

This mani was pretty quick and simple.  I was in the mood for a french tip, so I painted all of my tips white and then shaped them with a french brush and acetone.  I buy my french brushes from Jolie Polish because I'm a big supporter of indie brands, but you can also find french brushes at Sally's and other beauty supply stores.  

I took a medium sized dotting tool and with the same white polish to created my polka dots.  I top coated and that was it!

I've got some exciting stuff coming up this week to share with you... and by share I mean give... away.  Ooops that's still supposed to be a secret!  ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3