
Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm Ready for Fall!

Hello lovelies!

I have a quick post for you this evening :)  I made the mistake of going in to Bath & Body Works today and they have all of there new Fall products on display... *sigh*... it was glorious.  So now I am desperately longing for the seasons to change.  I want cool air, changing leaves... I want to wear some boots! 

A big theme with their decor items is squirrels.  I don't know why, but squirrels.  I decided to do some cute acorns (inspired by Lacq Lustre)...

 Colors Used: Love & Beauty - Beige, Acrylic Paints, Mentality - Matte Top Coat

I'm still practicing with acrylic paints and while these didn't turn out as flawlessly as I would have liked, I do think they're pretty cute :P

 I started with my beige base and let it dry (I actually went to work and then when I got home, I continued my nail art-ing haha.  Anybody else ever do that?).  I then used a nail art brush and acrylic paints to paint the acorns.  Lastly, I applied a generous matte top coat (Mentality Polish Matte Topper which is my fave!)...

It's growing on me haha...

I hope you all have had a wonderful week!  I now must dash off...

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. These are so cute! I thought they were nail wraps at first too.

  2. oooh, i looove these! the base colour is gorg! I love the acorn idea, they look like theyre falling

  3. wow I love this mani!
    This is my favorite nail art of the month that I've seen so far!

  4. These are absolutely perfect! I really need to try these acorns out myself... Every time I see your nails, I feel like I need to do them myself... WHYYYYYY?! xD
