
Thursday, October 23, 2014

KBShimmer Fall 2014


Hello lovelies!

I know it's not Sunday, but I just couldn't wait to show you these KBShimmer's :)  These polishes are from the new Fall 2014 collection and they are amazing!!

 KBShimmer - Fall 2014

 I have a serious love for KBShimmer; their formula is always amazing and the colors are on point.  I feel that the brand is often setting trends and doing it well with a high quality (and affordable) product.
KBShimmer - Rust No One

Rust No One is a gorgeous linear holographic polish.  While my camera picked up a lot of red in this swatch, this is more of a rusty red-orange color in person.  I just have no words for this awesomeness!  The formula is just what you want from a holo; not too goopy, not too runny... just right.  Shown is 2 coats with top coat.

 KBShimmer - Flannel Surfing

Flannel Surfing is a faded blue crelly with a mix of orange, aqua and teal glitters. I've seen quite a few swatches of this polish that have had me swooning.  It's such a flattering shade of blue that's lovely on every skin-type I've seen thus far.  Shown is 2 coats with top coat.

 KBShimmer - How You Dune?

How You Dune is a greige creme polish.  What is greige?  Only one of my favorite colors ever!  It's a grey/beige shade that I just love love love and this creme is especially creamy :)  The formula is perfect; when I opened the bottle I did a little happy dance in my chair haha.  Shown is 1 coat with no top coat (gah!).

 KBShimmer - Spot Sign

Spot Sign is a mix of black leopard spot shaped glitters, black dots, small black hexes and micro holographic sparkle.  This polish is actually apart of the Winter 2014 collection, but was released a little early due to all of the excitement behind this new glitter.  It's pretty much the coolest glitter topper that's come out in a long time.  I lurvs it :)  You would think the application on this would be a bear, but it really wasn't at all.  An average of 2-3 leopard spots came out on the brush with each dip.  I dabbed and brush; very little "glitter placement" was needed for me.  Shown is 2 dabbed coat over How You Dune? with top coat.

KBShimmer polishes retail at $7.50 for creme polishes and $8.75 for crelly/glitter/holo/etc. polishes.  You can purchase KBShimmer polishes HERE.

So what do we think?  I hope to have some selections from KBShimmer's Winter 2014 collection up this Sunday, so stay tuned...

Until next time!

Stef <3

* This product was provided to me for review.  I received no payment or other compensation for the review of this product.  The opinions stated here are completely my own.  The contents of this review are based on my direct experience with this product.


  1. These are so nice! Great colors and glitters.

  2. Beautiful swatches! KBShimmer is just all sorts of amazing! <3

  3. Spot sign is cool. Kinda reminds me of animal print.
