
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Inspired By TOMS

That's right... TOMS!

Lol good morning peeps :)  Today's mani is simple but the inspirations is a little obscure.  The back story is that one of the little girls at my work was raving about her new shoes that her mother had bought her over the weekend.  Here's a pic of them...

Very sparkly, very girly... and they imbedded themselves in my head!  I could not stop thinking about these silly shoes!!  So I decided to mani them up and hoped that I'd get it out of my system...

Nude, glitter, accent nail, nail art, maniNude, glitter, accent nail, nail art, mani
 (Indoor lighting) Colors Used: Love & Beauty - Nude, Spoiled - I Have No Reception

Nude, glitter, accent nail, nail art, maniNude, glitter, accent nail, nail art, mani

Nude, glitter, accent nail, nail art, mani
 (Outdoor Lighting)

I have a really hard time putting compacted glitters on my nails because I LOATHE taking them off... truly, I absolutely dread it!  But I just could not stop thinking about how pretty the TOMS looked in the sunlight and I had to have it on my nails.  An accent nail seemed like the best course of action.  The nude color was just a random choice (and really I think it's more of a peach than a nude).

I really love the shape of my nails in these photos (shortly after taking these I tore the corner of my middle finger *sigh*).  I'm hoping that my nail growing process will hurry itself up.  I don't want super long claws, but a little bit more length would be nice.  Anyway, that's all for today!

Until next time!

Stef <3

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