
Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's Your Flavor?

Happy happy HAPPY Thursday everyone!  I love Thursdays because they are my last day of work for the week and then I have a 3 day weekend to look forward to (altho I suppose I technically "work" at church on Sundays.  But it's a labor of love so it shouldn't count hahaha).

Today's mani is inspired by the one thing I can NEVER say no to... it's my Kryptonite... Mint-chip ice cream!  *sigh* I love it so very much, probably a little too much :P  I've been craving it for weeks and still haven't gone out to get any :\  The other night I finally mustered up the energy to go to the store only to come to the realization that it was closed.  I was going to whine about it but instead decided to get creative...

Mint, mint chip, ice cream, drip, nail art, mani

 Colors Used: Sally Hansen - Mint Sorbet, Sinful Colors - Nirvana, Jesse's Girl - Spring Break, Sally Hansen - Mellow Yellow, Sally Hansen - White On

I'd seen this drip nail idea on quite a few nail blogs and YouTube tut's and I thought it would go well as a sort of sundae look.  I went digging around in my fimo box for cherries but the only ones I could find were 2 attached to a stem, not quite right.  So I opted for strawberries :)

For those who are curious, I used my biggest dotting tool to draw the fudgey drips.  This is definitely a look I'm going to try again in the future to see if I can improve on the drippy look.

One last photo to send you off with!
 Mint, mint chip, ice cream, drip, nail art, mani

I'd just like to say that I really love and appreciate all of the positive feedback that I've been receiving from you all!  You guys are amazing and I love you *gasp*... I said the L word!  Hahaha :P

Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think :)  If you have a suggestion for a mani you think I should try out or if you have any questions about how / what I do, leave those in the comments as well :)  Also, follow me!!  If you look on the left side toolbar you'll see a little thing that says "followers".  Click join this site and then I'll know that you're following me and I can send some love your way (I have a sneaking suspicion that there are more than 19 of you lol).  If I get to 25 followers I plan on doing a giveaway... because you guys are awesome and deserve one :D

Soooooo, with that being said...

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. This makes me want to go and get Thrifty's mint chip ice cream =D mmmmm
