
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Church Mani: I'm Feeling Golden...

Good afternoon, friends!

Let me start off by apologizing for abandoning you yesterday :(  I was helping my future in-laws with some gardening and somehow in the process my right-hand thumb got pinched/cut with pliers.  It did/does not feel good lol.  I was reluctant to change my polish because acetone in cuts hurts like nobody's business!  I had to change it for church tho so I was very careful and I kept the nail art simple... with glitter!  :D  Hahaha.

I know that I've mentioned that I sing in a church choir.  I suppose I should let the cat out of the bag and say that I sing at the Crystal Cathedral.  The church and it's ministry are going thru a lot of changes right now and I feel very honored/blessed to be apart of it.  Every Sunday just keeps getting better and better and by 1:00 in the afternoon my whole day, my whole being, my whole spirituality feels golden!  Like gold is radiating all around me.  I love it!!  This was the inspiration for my mani... well this and my injured "fumb", teehee...

 Colors Used: Love & Beauty - Gold

Simple, sparkly and golden... That's how I feel :)

I am off now to change my polish once again for a concert that I have tonight.  I have to be in all black which I shall extend to my nails, but with a twist... hmmmm.  Tune in tomorrow and check it out ;)

Until next time!

Stef <3

P.S.  This is my 50th post!  Ca-razy!!  :D

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