
Monday, June 11, 2012

Concert Black With A Twist ;)

Hello, hello!

I'm really slacking on my posts right now and I'm sorry :(  I've just been a little overwhelmed with everything that's been going on recently.  Work, rehearsals, concerts and family events.. a lot of stuff!  But I just had my last concert of the season with my small chamber group and my quartet is going to take a small hiatus (mini vaca!) so that frees up 2 nights of my week.  I shall type up and schedule posts on those nights and we'll all be happy lol.

Now that I've had my little rant, onto the mani!  I mentioned in yesterdays post that I was going to change my polish to match my concert black for last nights performance.  Here's what I did...

 Color Used: Rimmel - Black Satin

I applied 2 coats of Black Satin to my nails then I added NYC - Matte Me Crazy Top Coat.

Lastly I took out a clear polish from JBL and applied polka dots.  A really subtle effect that could only be seen up close and in the right lighting.  I loved it!

And the big'n!

Fun, fun, fun is all I can say about this one :D

Since I don't have any rehearsal tonight ( let me just freak out for a second...OMG!!)  I'll be able to type up a proper post this evening that I'll put up tomorrow, nail haul included :)  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support!  I love you all!!

And I haven't forgotten about the giveaway I promised!  When I get to 25 followers, it's on :D

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. Your nails look awesome! Cute blog! :) I am a new follower! Check out and follow my blog for beauty and fashion updates!

    -♡ Valerie Angel
