
Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Sunny Gradient :D

Good morning, friends!  The week is winding down but I'm not foreseeing any rest for me *le sigh*  I hope you all are much more fortunate hahaha.

For today I have my first gradient mani to share with you.  I did this about a month ago and didn't share it because I had mixed feelings.  It's not great but it's not terrible either.  I'll let you decide...

Colors Used: Julep - Blake, Confetti - They Call Me Mellow Yellow

Pro's... I think yellow is an awesome color for me.  It's one of my favorite colors to wear :)  I also really like how simple it was.  Con's... The gradient isn't drastic enough and the colors didn't blend as well as I thought they would together :\

Blake really is a lovely color to work with and the Confetti is really shimmery... it make me happy just looking at it :P  I can't remember how many coats were applied of each.  I know I used a make-up sponge in this mani.  I'm also pretty positive that I topped it off with Seche Vite.  

One last pic...

I don't really have anything else to add.  What do you think?  Have you tried this look?  Do you have any tips/tricks that work well for you?

Until next time!

Stef <3

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