
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Mani of Indecision...

Hello hello and happy Wednesday!  :D  I can't believe the week is already halfway over, yikes!!  With summer quickly approaching I feel that I should let you know... (don't freak out! lol)... I may not have time to post a new mani every day :\  Between working 35+ hours at the summer camp and rehearsing/preparing for auditions like a mad person I will have very very very little free time.  And I do plan on sleeping at some point as well hahaha.  So that may mean 3-4 mani's a week or a couple posts a week that double-up on pics... *sigh* I don't know.  I hope that you will bear with me, it's only for 10 weeks :)  Enough jibber-jabber, on to the mani!

Today's mani is the result of my sheer joy at being able to wear other colors besides pink again lol.  I had bought O.P.I - It Girl before I started Think Pink week and couldn't wait to wear it.  And then, on Friday when I got the Ginger scented polish at Forever 21, I was dying to rock it as well!  I just couldn't decide between the two so I wore them both :D

 Colors Used: O.P.I. - It Girl, Love & Beauty - Nude/Ginger Scented, Love & Beauty - Gold, NYC - High Line Green, Sally Hansen - Green With Envy, Sally Hansen - White On

All I can really Say about this mani is that I'm pleased as punch!  2 coats of each base color I used a dotting tool and striping brush for the flowers and then the gold glitter just kind of tied it all together :)

And last but certainly not least a pic of my nails with the lovely water bottle my honey bought for me (It has a built-in filter in the straw so that I can just fill it with tap water and go. I loves it!!)

I love this mani because it smelled amazing and looked really fun on my hands :)

That's all folks!  Soooooo....

Until next time!

Stef <3

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