
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Church Mani: It's Becoming An Obsession!

Happy Sunday everybody!  I had an amazing morning in church and I'm feeling very uplifted/encouraged.  I feel compelled to share in the blessings!  :)

I've had a couple of people inquire about whether Amy responded to my email.  I'm happy to report that she got back to me very promptly and I shall be dropping it (the prize box) off at the post office for her in the morning :)  Again, I wish I could give you all something because I truly do appreciate you!  But, as my mother used to say when I was growing up, "I'm just a poor scufflin' black woman, tryin' to make a livin'" (only said to me when I was asking for money, of course lol).

Let's get to what you're her for... nails!

I have said on numerous occasions that I love polka dots.  It really has become an obsession!  I have been buying polka-dotty outfits, mugs, bedding, knives (yes, I bought a yellow and white polka-dotted kitchen knife!) like a mad-woman.  I'm not ashamed!  I'm just sorry if you're sick of looking at them hahaha.  Here's my dots for the day...

Nude, Polka Dot, Love & Beauty Ginger, subdued, nail art, nail design, mani
 Colors Used: O.P.I. - You Callin' Me A Lyre, Love & Beauty - Ginger (Nude/Scented), Love & Beauty - Nude (bottle shown)

I started with 2 coats of polish on each nail, alternating between Lyre and Ginger.  I then took my large dotting tool and applied polka dots with Ginger, followed by applying Nude with a smaller dotting tool on top.  I topped it off with Love & Beauty's Quick Dry Top Coat.

I love it. Love love love love love!  If there were a group that I could join to help me with my polka-dot addiction... I wouldn't!!  :P

One last photo...

I think the part I like best about this mani is that far away it just looks like I have pretty plain nails, but up close it's a party (albeit a quite one :P).

Until next time!

Stef <3

P.S.  I'm just figuring out my new camera but I like it already :D