
Monday, July 16, 2012

Out of the Vault: My Very First Water Marble (eek!)

Hey there :)  A very happy Monday to you all!

I have decided to share my very first water marble attmept with you all *bites bottom lip*.  I did this a little over a month ago and was so ashamed of it that I never posted about it (the process was that horrible.  I made a bazillion attempts for hours on end trying to get a good water marble and this was the best I could come up with...

 Left Hand

 Right Hand

Water Marbling is a very popular technique and when done well I think it looks amazing!  Mine are just kind of blech hahaha. The colors I used were Sally Hansen - White On, Sally Hansen - Mint Sorbet and Spoiled - Let's Get Sushi.  Love the color combo... and that's about it!

I really would love some advice from those who have done this.  I taped off the sides of my fingers, I used luke warm water, I turned off my fans and I tried to work as swiftly as I could but it still came out a failure :(  What could I have done differently?

For those who want to learn more about this technique and how it is done, check out My Simple Little Pleasures tutorial on YouTube.  She so stinkin' good at it!

Until next time!

Stef <3


  1. I absolutely love your color choice! It's much better than my first attempt. I became addicted to water marbling. It's so much fun.


    ps. I got your email, and when I get to my computer I will definitely be emailing you back!
    Happy Monday!

  2. this came out amazing .. when i tried it was a horrid mess
