
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Church Mani: Beyond Cozy

Happy Wednesday, dolls!  I meant to post this mani on Monday because I had the day off of work.  I woke up with a list of chores to do and feeling like I could conquer the world!  About 30 mins. later I got a throbbing headache and was down for the count.  I laid on the couch ALL day *sigh*.

Well, this is the mani that I wore this past Sunday to church...

Essie, Beyond Cozy, Elf, Dessert Haze, triangle, nail art, nail design, mani
 Colors Used: E.L.F. - Dessert Haze, Essie - Beyond Cozy, Rimmel - Black Satin

2 coats of each color and then I free-handed the design.I was really excited when I found Beyond Cozy at Target.  It's from Essies 2012 Winter Collection.  I now have 2 of the 3 that I want from that collection and I'm hoping to pick up Where's My Chauffer (a kind of Tiffany's blue) on Friday :D

I did these on Saturday night while watching a movie with my honey and the Fashionista.  I don't know how I ended up with such terrible tip wear over night hahaha.  I snapped these photos in the car while on our way to the church :P

It was a cold morning so that's why I wore my finger-less mittens (that... and because they're so stinkin' cute!)

I hope you all are having a fabulous week :)

Until next time!

Stef <3

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