
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November Julep Maven Box

Good morning all!  The week is half way over, woohoo!! I was going to make this post yesterday but I came down with some sort of stomach virus... it wasn't pretty lol.  I'm just gonna jump right in!

I haven't really posted any of my recent Julep boxes because I've been a busy bee.  But this month's box is great!  This month's theme is Suede Polishes.  It's not really a look/style that I'm interested in and I almost skipped this month's subscription but then I saw these amazing colors in the Bombshell box and I had to have them :D

Julep November Maven Box, Donna, Trina, Pink Grapfruit Body Frosting
From L to R: Donna, Trina and Pink Grapefruit Body Frosting

The body frosting is A-MA-ZING!! Love love love it <3

Julep November Maven Box, Donna, Trina
A closer look at Donna and Trina...

I combined the colors in my mani.  This idea kept running through my head, "Abstract art, abstract nails, abstract nail art..."  So I took my striping brush and went to town on my nails :)

 I also used my go-to's Black Satin and White On (Rimmel and Wet N Wild respectively)
Julep, Donna, Trina, abstract, nail art, nail design, mani

I really didn't have a specific design in mind... I just went for it!

 My nails are almost back to a decent length, I'm so happy!!  Hahaha :P

2 mani's in a row that I am happy with... I think I've finally gotten back in the groove!  It only took a month lol.

If you are interested in becoming a Julep Maven, head on over to their site here.  If you use the code Maven50, you'll receive your first month's box for a penny... 1 cent!  That's how I got hooked :)

Until next time!

Stef <3

1 comment:

  1. I like it a lot! I got this month's box free so I didn't skip, but I wasn't able to choose my box for some reason this month. I got American Beauty, which was kind of a bummer. But I agree about the frosting! Loved it. I'm skipping December because I'd rather do some xmas shopping =) Definitely will be back for January though.
