
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mix 'n Match with Pipe Dream Polish!

Hello lovelies!

I have had absolutely no time to do my nails this past week so I'm pulling a mani out of the vault today.  This is a skittlette I did a few weeks ago when I was desperately in need of some bright, colorful cheeriness...

 Colors Used: Zoya - Robyn, Daisy Nail Lacquer - White Diamond, Love & Beauty - Strawberry, China Glaze - Celtic Sun, Pipe Dream Polish - Zappin' It To Ya

This mani is mostly based around this awesome glitter topper that I bought from April at Pipe Dream Polish.  It's called Zappin' It To Ya and it's a mix of neon pink, green, blue and yellow glitters of varying sizes.  I tried to find polishes in my collection that closely matched and I think I did a decent job haha. 

 I haven't done a striped accent nail in for-eh-ver; I forgot how much I like them!  I also decided to use a bow charm that I bought from Hex Nail Jewelry.  Overall I'm really pleased with this one :)

I'm dreaming of warmer days that involve a vacation from life and lots of polish... *sigh*...  Lol happy Wednesday!

Until next time!

Stef <3

* These product were purchased by me for review.  I received no payment or other compensation for the review of this product.  The opinions stated here are completely my own.  The contents of this review are based on my direct experience with this product.


  1. I love this skittlette! If this doesn't scream summertime, sunny days and cheerfulness I don't know what does. I'm dreaming of warmer days too, especially since we're getting slammed with more snow today. I'm so over this crap.

  2. This is so fun, makes me happy just looking at it! Ah for that neon glitter too :)

  3. I love how bright this is! The colours really complement Zappin' It To Ya! I love the bow stud too - it's so cute! :)

  4. This look so fun -- I love Zappin' It To Ya, and the striped accent nail is perfect :)

  5. AWW, this design looks soo cute!
    I really like it ;)

    Xx Julia

  6. How are your nails always so perfect?! I love this so much!
