
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nailed Kit Olympic Decals!

Hello dolls!

A very happy Sunday to you all!  So remember that swatch post I promised?  Yea my weekend got all kinds of crazy and I am not ready quite yet haha.  So I'm bumping up a post I was saving for next week... woohoo!  The lovely Rachel over at Nailed Kit sent me some "USA" decals in honor of the 2014 Winter Olympics!  I had such a fun time putting together a mani using these decals (*disclaimer)...

I really loved the way this turned out!  I started with 3 coats of OPI "My Boyfriend Scales Walls", a nice blue-ish off-white polish that's perfect for showcasing nail art :)  I then took a plastic drinking straw out of my kitchen cabinet and used to to kind of outline my Olympic rings...

Admittedly, it may not have been the deal tool for the job considering my rings wouldn't stamp completely haha.  I had to go back with a nail art brush to finish the circle and then they ended up looking like a child did them. But then I thought, the letters are in a whimsical font... it works!  The decals are very easy to use; they slide right off of their paper backing with a little bit of water.  I must admit... I forgot to get water when using them this time around and I didn't want to get up and go to the kitchen soooo... I just popped them in my mouth!  Worked like a charm lol :P

Have you gotten into the Olympic spirit??  These and many other adorably fabulous decals can be found here.

Until next time!

Stef <3

* This product was provided to me for review.  I received no payment or other compensation for the review of this product.  The opinions stated here are completely my own.  The contents of this review are based on my direct experience with this product.


  1. What a cute and simple manicure to celebrate the Olympics! :)

  2. wow!
    I love this manicure ;)

    And it's such a creative design!
    Xx Julia
